Niko Nicholson

Financial Adviser

Risk Insurance Specialist

Phone: 022 020 5490
Email: [email protected]
FSP: 1002635
LinkedIn: Niko Nicholson

With a few years of Risk advising under his belt, Niko continues to do what he does best - deliver high-quality financial advice and exceptional customer service.  Recipient of Quantum’s 2023 Risk Excellence Award for diligence, dedication & outstanding service, Niko has proven to be an adviser to be trusted.  Specialising in Risk Insurance for business, professionals and the farming space, Niko’s custom-fit personal and business Risk cover packages and Group Schemes will give you all the peace-of-mind you need to thrive.

Over the past year Niko’s added to his reputation, by being an advocate you can rely on.  He’s accurate with his outcomes and efficient with this service.  But most of all, he’s a straight-shooter.  

“Over the past year as I’ve reviewed a massive amount of insurance policies, I’ve been amazed at how many of us have no idea what our policies really cover us for.  Often, cover is not understood, so not claimed for.  I love helping educate my clients on what they’re entitled to, and then going-to-bat for them to make it happen!  With an overloaded, underfunded health system, Risk Insurance is the solution.  Let’s have that conversation and see if I can help you protect the world you’re working so hard to build”.

Born in Hamilton, Niko was raised on a farm between Gordonton and Taupiri.  Growing up boxing was a passion. And for over 9 years, Niko achieved the most renowned titles in NZ, as he learnt how to push himself mentally and physically. Through boxing Niko developed some of the skills we kiwis value most - commitment, discipline, and patience. His ability to push limits, combined with a strong work-ethic have also driven his educational journey. By age 20 he had completed his Engineering apprenticeship, and a Level 4 National Certificate in Business-First Line Management.  

From 2017 to late 2021, Niko was the Head Engineer at Auto Leisure & Marine, executing new builds from start to finish, responsible for organizing, delegating, deadlines, and oversight.  So why the career change?  

That drive, and pursuit of new challenges bought Niko to Quantum.  And when it comes to conversations about life and health insurance, it helps to have someone who can help you push yourself to find solutions and to build your financial security.  

Niko Nicholson
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